How do I know if my pool is leaking?

This is a common question customers have and something we want to know from our customers before doing a leak detection. Alot of waterloss to one person might not seem like as much to another. Some people have auto fillers to their swimming pools so those people may not know their pool is leaking until they get a crazy water bill and/or a fine from the City. We have seen water bills in excess of $4,000 for water for the month and even just recently a celebrity athlete lost 500,000 gallons of water in a month due to a swimming pool issue and an auto fill staying on. If you have an auto fill turn it OFF; we’d suggest permanently as weve seen them be the cause of many a story of an absolutely crazy amount of wasted water.

The #1 way to know if your pool is leaking or it is just evaporation is to perform a ‘ bucket test’. Read under our bucket test tab and/or watch the video that illustrates how to do this. We hear about evaporation rates from our customers during peak months of the summer in places like Simi Valley, Northridge , Glendale, Pasadena and Santa Clarita being in excess of .5 inches a day! Some folks might mistake this high evaporation rate for a leak so before spending the money on a leak detection make sure you are up to date on a bucket test for your area! Typical evaporation rates are 1/4 inch a day or 1/8 an inch in the winter. Methods can be used such as a pool cover or even the blue plastic cover to help cut down the water evaporation in a swimming pool.

Have a Question? Send your friends here at Aquaman Leak Detection a message we are always happy to help!


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